2021 Tips for Better Audio Recording
Podcasting has become one of the first actions to take if you’re looking for branding your business, believe it or not, & yourself. The podcast industry comes to regale a real global audience, which puts a little bit of a burden on your shoulders to look professional.
As far as it may sound challenging, the real magic happens while recording, that’s why a lot rely on the way you’re following during the process of recording. Here we’re introducing you to new magical tricks to level your recording up to the Pro level.
Limit & Reduce The Surrounding Noise
Home isn’t a professional workspace or a recording booth, for it offers endless distractions and disturbances. Pretty much tiny actions you take help most to produce a high-quality sound and minimize the background noise.
Noise screws up the editing process. You can turn off fans, close windows, cover the floor with rugs, which work pretty much as natural insulators. You may also surround yourself with books and place linens against the wall to lessen the reverberation.
Playing music while you’re recording helps you get in a good mood, but it hits really hard when it comes to editing; thereby we advise you to turn off the music. You'll definitely hear the jumps of the music after the cutting and reorganizing of the audio clips and it certainly complicates the whole process, but you still can add music later.
Optimize Better Audio
You can never make bad materials look good. Optimizing better quality of the recorded audio is way easier than to fix and enhance inadequate audio in the post-production stage. Record the clearest audio quality first and We assure you that it will save tons of time and effort in editing.
A clear voice is your forever essential tool that attracts people to keep listening. You can warm up your voice by practicing tongue twisters every now and then. Irregular breathing may disrupt the audio quality, so you may do breathing exercises, which help regulate and control your voice patterns. You also need to pay more attention to popping and sibilance sounds which may disrupt the audio quality.
It’s a given that water is crucial for our lives, and dry voices lead to a whole lot of noise. That’s why staying hydrated plays a big role in producing a bright and breezy voice. We’re not here encouraging you to rely on scripted material but using note cards helps in reducing mistakes, which in turn helps most in saving editing time.
Beware of Your Mic
A little investment in your mic would save your life. Poor audio ruins everything. If you have no setup studio, you can use a USB mic plugged into your computer and recording software, which you may take a rundown of from “Free Software Starter-Kits To Trigger Off Your Podcast”.
Try your best to control the mic distance to level off sound variations. Phone signals can cause serious interference, and even filtering doesn’t give a hand. Putting your phone on airplane mode bails you out of big trouble when it comes to avoiding phone signals.
In this blog, we enlisted some tricks to help you avoid spending too much on editing. Always keep in mind that whatever effort you pay in recording, it’ll make the process of editing much easier and effective.
This post was authored by our wonderful interns who joined us on November 1, 2020 to learn from and help Podcast Inc grow. The author of this article is Gihad Ahmed from Egypt.