13 Tips to Hook Your Listeners in every Episodes of your Podcast
13 Tips to Hook Your Listeners in every Episodes of your Podcast
There are many benefits to producing high-quality podcast content. Your most valuable asset may be your supporters, who tune in every week and leave reviews on iTunes after listening; they also share it with friends which helps you grow an engaged fan base that will keep coming back for more! Here we share 13 tips designed specifically around improving the quality of what's being said so listeners stay tuned into familiar topics or new ones discovered during research trips out into public spaces all across town (and beyond).
How To Create Interesting Podcast Episodes
As a podcaster, you have to create engaging content in order for people not just to listen but also want more. Check out these 13 tips on how to refine your episodes and start building an audience who will be eagerly awaiting each new episode!
1. Talk about things you’re interested in
The cornerstone of podcasting is choosing a topic that excites you. Engaging content and creating new episodes for your audience will become much easier if this interest radiates from every word, phrase, or sound bite on the program!
If you’re struggling to engage an audience, take a step back and review your podcast’s theme. It’s better to start a new podcast based on a topic you like than commit to something that bores you.
2. Focus on your target audience
You can't make a podcast that pleases everyone, so it's best to narrow your focus and provide content for one specific listener avatar. For inspiration research topics in relevant forums or groups related to what you want listeners of the show to enjoy listening to! Or take some feedback from past episodes on social media posts and use their input when making future ones- better yet ask them directly by emailing subscribers lists as well as Facebook pages who have liked/followed yours already.
Once you have some ideas on paper, go through each one and ask yourself if the content focuses on your listeners’ needs. Will it add value to their life? Will it make them a better person in some way? Will they sit and listen to the entire episode? Is this the content they’re craving?
3. Tell lots of stories
Stories are powerful ways to connect with your audience. They create neurological responses in our brains that help us focus and empathize with the storyteller. Researchers at Stanford learned that people are also able to remember stories better than other kinds of information.
Start with a standard three-act story arc, beginning with a setup, building to a confrontation, and ultimately ending with a resolution. To fill each segment, try answering these questions: What struggles were faced? What challenges were overcome? What lessons were learned?
4. Help your audience take the next step
The best way to make your listeners want you to follow is by giving them something in return. This means creating content that's actionable and easy to apply for people who listen, like, or follow podcasts about the same topic as yours (e..g: music).
For instance, if my podcast discussed difficulties young artists face finding success then I could offer tips such as “however there are three steps we recommend taking before putting our plan into effect."
5. Ask your listeners questions and report their responses
Podcasting may be a one-way medium, but that doesn't mean you can’t get some audience participation. Ask open-ended questions and explain how your listeners' answers will be featured in future episodes to direct them towards an interactive area like the comment section on your podcast website or across social media channels for additional output such as via live tweets during airtime where participants send brief updates about what they are doing at specific points within each program's recording process (e).
The benefits of this approach include twofold: fun content delivered straight from those who crave it most; while also providing entertainment through interaction both now and down memory lane when listening back together after broadcast completion.
6. Stay on topic and don’t wander too much
You can do it! You'll start to have fun, and your audience will love you for podcasting. But don't forget about the story or note cards in front of yourself- make sure they're loosely followed as well if needed so that we know what our next step is when going down any wrong path with these conversations after all (even though some tangents may seem like a good idea).
The most important thing throughout this process has been staying organized by following scripts/ notes at least somewhat closely - which means catching ourselves going off track before anything gets too far away from planned content then returning attention back onto a schedule again afterward without getting discouraged along the way because there will always be parts where editing needs doing afterward anyway.
7. Invite unique experts onto your show
If you're looking for a way to stand out in your niche, consider finding guests that are less well-known. These experts will be more interesting and provide fresh perspectives on the topic of discussion than someone who has been featured countless times before or is an established name within their industry
The key ingredient here isn't so much what they say but rather how creative questions can lead them into revealing unique insights - which makes these types great interview subjects because there's no guarantee another channel would ask anything like this!
8. Listen carefully to your guests
Is your podcast content sticking? Enhance it with off-the-cuff comments and follow-up questions! When you are interviewing a guest, be sure not to move on to the next question without taking note of what they have said. Listen carefully for more interesting tidbits that will make the show riveting listen then ask these prompts when necessary or chime in yourself by sharing personal stories from experience
A good way is making use of prearranged talking points while maintaining an engaging conversation – this helps listeners feel like they’re eavesdropping on real-life conversations rather than being interviewed themselves (which doesn't always work out well). Make certain every word counts so there's no dead air space between topics even if some may seem unimportant at first glance.
9. Choose guests with the right qualities
If you're looking for guests who don’t pop around the “podcast circuit,” make sure they still have these key qualities. These are people your listeners will be excited to hear from and listen in on:
- Relevant – The guest should relate closely to your topic and the listener’s needs. Don’t invite someone on the show just to have another voice.
- Knowledgeable – Your guest needs to have something useful to say that’s applicable today. For instance, an investment podcast might bring on a mortgage broker to talk about the housing market. But if that mortgage broker retired 25 years ago, he probably doesn’t have the right kind of knowledge.
- Entertaining – Your guests don’t need to sing and tell jokes, but they should be able to speak in a way that doesn’t grate or bore your listeners.
10. Make your audio perfect
The quality of your recordings is important. No one wants to listen when you have bad sound and it's distracting, unsettling which gives a new listener an easy reason not to tune in any longer! Perfect the equipment used for capturing clearer audio by using these techniques so they can hear how great their own voice sounds without having patience or time to try out different things themselves first-hand from someone else who knows what needs to be done properly
11. Tell your fans where to learn more
The best way to continue your exploration of a topic or issue you covered in the podcast is by exploring further. Your listeners may still have questions about that specific thing, but they also want more information on what they learned from listening and where else it can be found online if possible!
Maintaining interest with engaging content helps readers stay engaged while making them feel like there's always something new waiting just around every corner - which fits perfectly into our goal for providing comprehensive coverage without interviews being boring (or too lengthy).
For each episode, think about relevant resources you can direct listeners to later. Examples include relevant articles, YouTube videos, or books that dive deeper into the topic. Wherever possible, offer specific resources and make it easy for your listeners to find what you’re talking about. Rather than saying “visit the EPA’s website”, say “visit the EPA’s website and under ‘laws and regulation’ you’ll find the study with all of these data points.” In addition, add these resources to your show notes for another way for your audience to easily access the information.
12. Be yourself!
Being yourself is important when creating engaging podcast content. It might sound like a cliché, but it’s the best way to create authentic and true-to-your voice work! If you try being someone else--someone more energetic or humble than yourself---you'll inevitably come off as fake, which can easily be detected by listeners who know how skilled they are at reading between lines (or toes).
13. Post transcriptions of your episodes
Showing your audience extra content they can use when searching for information on the topics you cover is a great way to make sure they find what they are looking for. Not only will this allow those who suffer from hearing loss to enjoy listening, including transcripts of each episode at no additional charge provides SEO value as well! New listeners might just find one or two episodes before deciding whether or not it’s worth subscribing - but by providing search engines with lengthy articles about certain keywords included in every podcast show title/subtitle combo possible; people should be able topics cover all sorts within seconds thanks both these additions and any other helpful aspects.
To Wrap Up
These 13 important factors to make your podcast episodes more engaging and interesting. Be sure not to miss these, Are you busy with other tasks in Podcasting? Let us handle editing for better audio quality as well as transcription services that can include show notes too! Book a call now!